The Solstice Spectacular

Amelia Moon &

Meet Amelia Moon, a (mostly) normal 12-year old from a (mostly) boring western town where nothing ever happens. 

Or so she thinks.

In the weeks leading up to the annual summer Solstice Spectacular celebration, Amelia and her best friend Veyla begin to uncover mysteries that prove their quiet western hometown of Sundance, Wyoming is not the sleepy little town it pretends to be. 

And even more surprising are the discoveries Amelia makes about her family’s role in this history. 

So tag along on this fast-paced adventure, blending humor, danger, and discovery as Amelia navigates the challenges of growing up and determining whether or not she’s up to realize her destiny.

Early Reviews

Okay. So it’s just friends and family at this point. But we’re working with what we’ve got 🤷‍♀️

“Ummm…it’s pretty cool that Amelia has the same name as me :) So yeah, that means it’s really good.“

- Amelia (author’s 6 year-old niece)

“I couldn’t figure out how to find it on the computer-thingy. But I’m sure it’s a very good story.”

- Donna (author’s 87 year-old grandmother)

“Nice story. But I wish it focused more on all the of amazing things you can do in Wyoming.”

- Dicky (author’s friend & Wyoming Resident)




Ways to Enjoy the Story

Download eBook (FREE)

Want to read Amelia Moon and the Solstice Spectacular on your Kindle or iPad?

No problem.

Add to your cart and we will email you a link to the eBook version lickety-split.

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Audio Book ($4)

(Audio Length: ~7.5 hours)

We think Amelia Moon is at least half as good as Harry Potter. So our audio book is more than 75% cheaper.

And we have even have a cheeky Brit to read it to you.

Listen to Chapter 1 for Free ↓


Limited Print Edition (Price TBD)

Some people prefer to read a physical book. The author is one of those people. There’s just something about the feel and the smell and the ability to write notes to yourself in the margins.

So we’re doing a (very) Limited Edition print of Book 1. Each book comes numbered and signed. Costs are still TBD as we await more info from printers.

But if you’re interested, sign up below.

Recte Age. Nil Time.


Recte Age. Nil Time. 〰️

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A Very Reluctant But-His-Wife-Said-It-Should-Be-There Section

About the Author

The author has no idea if this story is good. I mean, he thinks it is. And he hopes you enjoy it. Because he enjoyed the four years of putting it together. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he’s already started working on Book 2.

Regardless, when he’s not writing (which — for the sake of full disclosure — is really any time outside of 9am-12pm), he’s usually reading. Or thinking about lost civilizations while filling in the holes around the yard that his two GSP dogs insist on digging. Or trying to keep the neighboring black bear out of the blueberry bushes. Or looking at niche Japanese pottery online. Basically, anything other than building the bed frame that his wife’s been requesting for a couple of years.